Laurie Styron

Laurie Styron

Laurie Styron is a financial analyst and accounting consultant with nearly twenty years of experience in the non-profit sector. Laurie has dedicated her career to helping charities improve their governance, financial reporting, and public accountability, and to helping funders make better informed donating decisions.

Laurie is an Affiliate and Not-for-Profit Section member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. She serves on the Not-For-Profit Organizations Committee of the Illinois CPA Society (April 2016 - March 2020 terms). She has extensive experience in IRS Form 990 tax form reporting, as a liaison between charities and external auditors for annual audit, as well as state-level reporting and regulatory requirements.

Laurie has logged over 10,000 hours as a non-profit financial analyst, including advising a wide range of media outlets on investigative pieces involving non-profits, conducting research and financial analysis, and providing interviews for both television and radio as well as print/online publications. Laurie has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, MarketWatchCBS MoneyWatch, Rolling Stone, NBC Nightly News, and by many other media outlets. She has also vetted charities for feature on Good Morning America, and has worked with 60 Minutes and many other news organizations on charity-related investigations.